Become a Member

Choose a Level - Get Neat Stuff

World's Largest Things, Inc. depends on member support to keep it rolling.
There are five membership levels, all with primo premiums

PayPal or Snail Mail methods accepted.

It's easy - print out and fill in the Membership Form and send (along with hard-earned check, money-order, or Mercury Dimes) to:

World's Largest Things, Inc.
PO Box 101
Lucas, Kansas 67648-0101

Already a member? Additional donations always accepted and appreciated! And, World's Largest Things, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization, so your donations are now TAX DEDUCTIBLE! We will provide you with the appropriate IRS forms for donations over $250.

At the BADGER level ($25), you will receive: A full years subscription to the official newsletter of The World's Largest Things "Big Idea"

An Official Membership Card

Email updates about upcoming tours and Weekly What's Large Where stories

A magnet featuring an actual World's Largest Thing.

At the OTTER level ($50), you will receive: All of the above PLUS:

A World's Largest Challenger Ball  Starter Kit.

At the PHEASANT level ($100), you will receive: All of the above PLUS:

The World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things Official Tee.

At the MUSKIE level ($250), you will receive: All of the above PLUS:

DVD Montage of World's Largest Things, featuring the WLCoWSVoWLT Theme Song

At the BULL level ($500), you receive: All of the above PLUS:

A Certified Genuine Babe Bit - a Certified Genuine chunk of paint, direct from the Blue Ox himself in Bemidji, Minnesota.

At the BUFFALO level ($1000), you receive: All of the above PLUS:

A Suprise Limited Edition Bonus Premium... Join up and find out!

Are you bigger than a Buffalo? Ask about corporate sponsorship at the Meta Level.

Thanks for your support - your membership directly impacts the preservation and exploration of a disappearing Roadside Phenomenon - the building and appreciation of World's Largest Things.



World's Largest Things
PO Box 101
Lucas, KS 67648-0101

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e-mail list, please let us
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