World's Largest Polar Bear


White Bear Lake, Minnesota

Sitting high in the air, the World’s Largest Polar Bear proudly holds a Chevy emblem, and now sports an American Flag pair of boxers. Since it was the sign at a car dealership, not open on Sunday, once again this is a no-info World’s Largest Thing entry.

The older part of town sits next to White Bear Lake, thereby directing what emblem gets built. Suprisingly, it wasn’t a civic project, although is now a means of identifying exactly what town you’re driving through.


World's Largest Polar Bear Stats

Looks to be fiberglass, especially since its two stories in the air and concrete would be impractical at that height. The waitress that pointed us in the right direction seemed to think it’d been there since the late 70s, but that’s by no means official.


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