World's Largest Art Car Parade 2004!


Houston Texas

Once again, the World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things braves the Texas heat to attend the World's Largest Art Car Parade!

Another great trip, this time shadowed by the crew from  Rare Visions and Roadside Revelations from KCPT in Kansas City - they were shooting for their new season (#9) and caught up to me in my back yard in Lucas. Along the way, we crossed paths at the World's Largest Hand Dug Well in Greensburg Kansas, and again a couple of times at the Houston festivities. This seasons shows are now in editing but due out late this year - look for me on episodes 1&2, possibly more...


Don the Camera Guy pops up again along the parade route in Houston

Many many great cars were back in Texas, all lovingly photographed and catalogued at the  The Orange Show's official website. Extra Added Bonus was a screening of Harrod Blank's new film-in-progress, a sequal to Wild Wheels. And, to top it off, I won third place in the Art Car division along with Flutterbug and Plaid Car! Yay!

World's Largest along the way -

Hand-Dug well, Greensburg Kansas
Shrimp, Galveston Texas
Crab, Galveston Texas
Sam Houston, along the road to Houston Texas
Fire Hydrant, Beaumont Texas


Tips? Photos? Please share:
World's Largest Things
PO Box 101
Lucas, KS 67648


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